Got all trophies.
Stole water from the soldiers.
Left Demon Village with your friends.
Stole a tank from the hangar.
Arrived in Spino.
Found the Legendary Spring.
Set out with your friends once more.
Arrived in Forest Land.
Ann told her friends her secret.
Reunited King Jam and Ann.
Flying Fortress Garam reactivated.
Saved the world.
Upgraded a vehicle.
Upgraded a vehicle to the maximum.
Made a vehicle.
Owned multiple types of vehicles.
Owned many types of vehicles.
Obtained multiple vehicle parts blueprints.
Upgraded a part.
Made a part.
Owned a part of the strongest class.
Owned many parts of the strongest class for each vehicle type.
Customized a vehicle’s decals or repainted it.
Upgraded one of Beelzebub’s skills.
Gave Beelzebub multiple skill upgrades.
Used a Special Skill.
Upgraded an ally’s skill.
Gave your allies multiple skill upgrades.
Used an ally skill.
Carried out 10 Stealth Attacks.
Completed a side quest.
Unlocked all Spino facilities through side quests.
Completed a certain number of side quests.
Picked up lost property.
Picked up lost property multiple times.
Unlocked a certain number of Radio Towers.
Activated all Fast Travel points.
Found an item at an exploration site.
Defeated an outlaw.
Defeated a certain number of outlaws.
Cleared a certain number of Time Attacks.
Got a room.
Furnished your room.
Fought in the Battle Arena.
Won all Headline Bouts.
Won all Ranked Matches.
Defeated a certain number of gang bosses.
Defeated the Guardian of Nahn.
Defeated the Guardian of Chapa.
Defeated the Guardian of Rohti.
Defeated General Shiva.